目前分類:滿味屋的美味餐點 (8)

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Grilled meat roll:
It is the simplest meal in the Korean food culture also in their daily life.
We bring it to your daily meals.
Use the pie to wrap the grilled meat with kimchi and salading.

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It an idea came from stone pot rice.
Mix the Korean pickled vegetables and bbq together, the delicious food is soon completed!

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如果你去過簡餐店或咖啡店有這道餐的話最少也要 208 元以上喔

Rosemary fried chicken legs: 
Although this meal is a little more expensive, I can secretly tell you that you have a good insight, what you eat is really worth it! 
If you have ever been to the coffee shop, it cost at least 208 dollars.

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Thai fried chicken: 
This is a very authentic Thai cuisine.
If you dare to try a little spicy, a little sweet ,a little sour, I will tell you must try this one!

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Cheese fresh grade legs:

It‘s a romantic and beautiful enjoyment.

The smell of cheese especially break the tradition.

The strong smell of the white cheese sauce added to the Fresh Grade Legs. oh my god!

The wonderful, noble and beautiful enjoyment. The best smell you will still want to try.

There is no more cuisine better than this one! Just come to eat!

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Hokkaido cheese pork:

The cheese came from Hokkaido. Japanese know about the enjoyment of eating very much.

They change the dense taste of cheese into fragrant one, and plus the cheap price and  the chard.

Wow ! The fresh taste brings the cheese pork to life.

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Arcadian salad pork:

This is a mysterious taste, and it is an European taste.

It is a little spicy and fragrant.

Have a taste with It, and you will have the wonderful time in your life.

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Recommended specialty -our Osaka pork:

Why it is called Osaka burn?

If you can take a look at our pork when you eat it, the pork which is just already fried with Katsuobushi that is put on whole surface, and it is curled slightly. Isn’t it look like burning?

The commentary is interesting, why shouldn’t you come if you have never been?

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